Am kinda busy lately, specificly april and may (that's why am not posting, like anything at all, HAHAHA)
busy with debate thingy
busy with academic thingy
in this post, am going to tell you what was happening in last two months
it is my birthday's month, it kind of special month to me, and to everyone else. i was completing my internship report. the whole day was heading to campus for internship revisions and consultations. you know, you submitted the report, your advisor checked, marking the wrong/ inproper content, giving back to you, you edited the report, and submitted to the advisor the another day untill that report is perfect. what a student life! but that's totally fine, i am okay with that, hehe
do you wondering what happened in my 21st birthday? actually, emm, nothing special, like at all, like AT ALL, HAHAHA. As for me, birthday moment is just the ordinary moment. why ordinary? because i feel and i make everyday just like my birthday, full of happiness, joyful, calm, peace, and loveable :)
"Happy 21st Birthday Algi"
super hectic month! doing a lot of preparation for National Universities Debating Championship Kopertis VI Jawa Tengah in Salatiga. how was the result? BAAAD. i fell in Semifinal, failed to debate upon the Feminism motion :( but unfortunately, i was rewarded as Best Speaker (but still didn't bring a trophy). After NUDC, I dedicated my self as debate coach of either JOVED or BAWOR. and being a debate coach is just the same with being debater, you need to spend a lot of your time for training, searching matter etc. not only that, since i am the Co-Ca of Bawor 2013, i am responsible in maintaining the org.comm, this task will follow me till July. BUT MAY WAS FUN, because I LOVE DEBATE :*
that is a rough summary of what i've been doing lately :D HAPPY JUNE :)
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